
Author(s) Article Pages
János Kornai Disciplines of Social Sciences: Separation or Cooperation? 5-12
Juliy Ol’sevich About psyhogenetical and psihogenetical basis of economic behavior 13-41
Juriy Gavrilec Computer Modeling of Simultaneous Formation Marcet, Structure of Population and Its Preferentions 43-54
Yoji Koyama Transition and European Integration of Bulgaria and Romania: Efforts for Overcoming Negative Legacies and New Challenges 55-69
Oleg Anan’in Economics: science and/or art 71-99
Drago Pupavac and Mimo Draskovic Spreadsheets on Function of Optimisation of Logistics Network 101-107
Neven Vidakovic The Impact of ohe Choice of Monetary Policy on Households 109-120
Mirjana Radovic Markovic New Economy and Global Challenge: Winning Model of Successful Small Business Organizations 121-130
Sofija Adzic Should Re-Industrialisation Represent the Final Stage of Transition – the Case Study of Serbia 131-145
Veselin Draskovic and Radislav Jovovic Models of Knowledge Management and Transformation of Knowledge 147-157
Dragan Milinkovic Fimon Value of the cultural product 159-169
Milan Vukcevic and Slavisa Zogovic Economical Profitability Marking of Engineering Project Solutions 171-182
Mladen Vukcevic Important and Unavoidable Questions Regarding Development of Industry in Montenegro With Special Emphasis to Transportation Domain 183-197
Lidia Kochurova Innovative-Reproductive Model of Economy of the Enterprise Adequate to the Market 199-211
Mimo Draskovic Basics and Significance of Consensus Theory 213-221
Dimitar Kovacevski Corporate Information Systems and Organizational Excellent 223-231